Delete local branch in git

To remove a local branch from your machine.Run the following commond in your command line.

git branch -d yourlocalbranchname

Taken from:” title=”Locally Delete’s Branch”>

Fatal error: Class ‘XSLTProcessor’ not found

When i was working on the xsl i got the following error “Fatal error: Class ‘XSLTProcessor’ not found”.So after some google search i found some solution.which need to install the xsl extension.

For Unix Users

Follow the below steps to install the xsl extension:

1) From terminal run the command sudo apt-get install php5-xsl.
2) Install it and then restart your server.I am using Apache (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)

then it is solved.

For Unix Windows Users

1) You can find the line extension=php_xsl.dll in your php.ini file on the Windows and just remove “;” from the beginning of line.
2) Then restart your server.I am using Apache (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)